Day Three in Rome - Vatican City, Sistine Chapel, St Peter's Basilica: 14 January

Today we took the Metro to the Vatican City and opted to get an audio guide to tour around. Great to see all the monuments and artworks, however a bit of a pain to walk through everything for an hour or so before you even get to the Sistine Chapel! Worth it once there however!  Unfortunately no photography allowed in here so I'll try and photograph a couple of post cards I purchased.

After leaving the Sistine Chapel we headed to St Peter's Basilica. Queued up for security before entering the Basilica. So beautiful inside - the photos just don't do it justice!

From here we wandered through the streets back to Piazza Navona for dinner to celebrate my birthday! Was so yummy!

Below: Some of Raphael's frescoes

Below, Sistine Chapel

Below, St Stephen's Basilica

Birthday dinner at Piazza Navona!


  1. Which camping were you staying? Might be same one as we did where you cross the road to the railway station?

  2. In Rome we stayed in a hotel as we didn't want to drive the caravan into Rome. Plus, there aren't many camp grounds open over the winter period, which we knew before we left NZ. The campsite we are at is called Le Soline in a little hilltop village called Casciano di Murlo in the Tuscany region.


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