Various June Activities and Horse Riding: 1 - 14 June 2020

General Update Regarding Lockdown
The latest from the British Government allowed some English Heritage and National Trust sites to open from Monday 9th June, and non-essential retail stores were able to open on Monday 15th June.  Zoo's and Safari Parks were also allowed to open from 15th June.

We are still not allowed to spend the night anywhere other than 'our own home', and although our caravan is our 'home', we are still parked at Chris and Charmyn's home in Berkeley, as camp grounds are not yet able to open.

Accommodation will open at the beginning of July at the earliest, however whether this will include self-contained accommodation remains to be clear. Many are hoping that self-contained accommodation, which will include caravans and camp grounds, will be one of the first to open.

Horse Riding
Cale has really enjoyed horse riding and been having regular 'lessons' with Charmyn in the arena.  On Saturday he trotted on Blaise then cantered.  On Sunday he had another ride and trotted and cantered again. On his final 'run', Cale turned Blaise to trot then canter to the end of the arena. Instead she saw the low jump and did what she though she was expected to do, and went straight into a fast canter and jumped the jump!!

Poor Cale, got the fright of his life, and as soon as he reached the fence at the other end, Blaise stopped and he got off straight away. He was as white as a ghost!!!

Cale's first ride of the day.
Cale's second ride of the day.

Cale's final ride of the day. Watch early for the jump!

Orville is three and a half weeks old now. He has grown so much!  He still only has his downy coat, no waterproof feathers yet, so he's still in the conservatory, although he has been outside in the cage with Collie Dog (rabbit) most fine warm days. He is about as long as my foot now!

He is so funny, really thinking that we humans are his parents. He follows you around the house and sits at your feet, occasionally looking sideways to check you are still there.  When outside and the big ducks are around, he doesn't identify with them at all.  If anything he's scared of them!!

Two sides are on the hut and the second window is due to go in. Roof is yet to be sorted, although I believe it will be a clear-lite style to allow the light to come in.

Other Activities

Full moon from Meadow Lea

A male pheasant visited our garden.

This is a magpie.  We call them 'motorway' birds, as all around Europe we would see them on the motorways.

Nico and Brad planted some radishes.

Nico's squirrel feeder in place.

Cale's squirrel feeder filled with peanuts.

Berkeley Village

Berkeley Village

Sunset from Meadow Lea

Nico made play-doh!

Brad, Cale and Nico made honeycomb - as a science experiment apparently!


  1. Have just caught up on this. You did so well on the horse Cale. Love the ducklings. You are going to miss all these things but amazing things to remember how life is so different to city life. The villages are so quaint & I can understand why people like living in areas like these. Love you xx


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