Various June Activities: 15 - 30 June 2020

Cale and Nico assisted Charmyn with the dinner one night.
Orville on 17 June with the other ducks behind. 

Orville next to my foot. 19 June.

Hut progress.

Pea progress. These were harvested and used in the above salad!

Brad and Chris replacing the fence between the spinney and orchard.

Collie Dog enjoying the sun!

The longest day at 10:10pm!

Creations by Nico

A friend of Chris' visited with his 12 year old boy and his electric motorbike. Boys had great fun on it in the orchard!

Nico on the motorbike.

Cale's turn.

Sunset at Meadow Lea

And we thought the other day was hot!!

Squirrel feeding from Cale's squirrel feeder!


26 June
Her feather are starting to come through.

2 July

2 July

2 July

Scaredy, Orville and Kizzy
2 July

Geraniums that Cale planted.


  1. You sure keep busy. Love the geraniums, pretty colours. The ducks are growing fast too, just like the peas. Feed time must be never ending at your place with all the animals. What do you give the squirrels to eat?
    Beautiful day here but chilly start. Love you xx


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