This Part of our Journey Ends Here! 26 - 31 August 2020

What can I say?  These final days have been hugely stressful and emotional!!  Packing up nine months of living in the caravan while living in the tiny space, has been a mission!  We ferried packed suitcases to Paul and Lucy's 10km away and had showers there (showers and toilets not available at the campsite near Chichester due to Covid).

Labeling boxes, cupboards etc with items being shipped with the caravan so we can provide an inventory for the shippers and NZ Customs.  Ensuring everything was clean, boots, shoes, camping gear, again for NZ Customs.  Clearing the car out and cleaning that ready to meet a left hand drive car buyer in London the afternoon before we fly.  Laundry, lots of that!  Shopping for last minute items for the flight and our 10 hours in Hong Kong.  

We have no idea what to expect from our flights.  I've read that there are no pillows or blankets, limited menus and perhaps cold meals rather than hot, nothing open in airports etc etc.

And then there is Managed Isolation in NZ.  We have a skipping rope and soft ball to keep us busy, plus a few games.

We'll say goodbye from the UK and will add my final post when back in NZ!!


Packing up the Caravan

The Last Supper in our Home on Wheels!

Caravan Leaving 

At camp site before leaving.

The last 'tow' by our Hyundai Santa Fe

At the P&M Packing waiting to be packed, loaded and shipped!

Final Days with Paul, Lucy and Family

At the Ship Inn, Langstone, Havant

Amanda and Amelie

Paul, Brad and Cale

Cale, Reuben and Nico

Amanda, Amelie and Lucy

View from inside the pub.

Amelie, Nico, Cale and Reuben

Just before we left Paul and Lucy's house.


All packed and ready to go to Heathrow!

Not much spare room!

The final goodbye!

Heathrow Airport - here we come!

On the way to Heathrow!

View from our hotel room

View from our hotel room

View from our hotel room
