Warner Bros. Studio Tour London - The Making of Harry Potter, England: 24 August 2020

Wow, what a day!  This was a treat for us all at the end of our travels and was well worth it.  Very cool to set the actual sets, costumes and props, and home for many of the main actors and actresses for 10 years during filming.  Many birthdays an other celebrations also took place here during the 10 years of filming. 

The pictures speak for themselves for the most part, however highlights were 'the cupboard under the stairs', The Great Hall, Dumbledore's Office, the potions 'class', the entire special effects (SFX) section and how that is all done, the recreation of Kings Cross St Pancras train station complete with the Hogwarts Express train, the Knight Bus and Privet Drive, the Ford Anglia, Gringotts Bank and Diagon Alley.  Which, now that I've typed that all up, is pretty much all of it haha!  It certainly was well worth the money spend to go.

It should be mentioned that the floor in The Great Hall is made with real flagstone stone tiles so it could withstand 10 years of use in filming.  The road in Diagon Alley is also made from real paving stones.

The dragon inside Gringotts is AMAZING as is the interior of Gringotts.

I'll let the pictures speak for themselves and add anything else I think of at a later date.

The website is very good. Explains many things on the tour.  Check it out if you're interested Warner Bros. Studio Tour

Inside the entrance before entering the tour.  These are huge screens behind the dragon.

Inside the entrance before entering the tour.  These are huge screens.

Inside the entrance before entering the tour.  These are huge screens.

Inside the entrance before entering the tour.  These are huge screens.

Inside the entrance before entering the tour.  These are huge screens.

Inside the entrance before entering the tour.  These are huge screens.

Inside the entrance before entering the tour.  These are huge screens.

Inside the entrance before entering the tour.  These are huge screens.

Just as you enter the tour. The Dursley's home.

The 'Cupboard Under the Stairs' where Harry Potter lived at his Aunt and Uncle's home.

Inside the 'Cupboard Under the Stairs'

Plaque explaining the beginning of the Harry Potter filming.

Waiting for the tour to start. The walls are covered in photographs from the 10 years of filming, on and off set.

Entrance to 'The Great Hall' once the screen went up after the small movie clip.

Inside 'The Great Hall'

Inside 'The Great Hall'

Inside 'The Great Hall' with the costumes that Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint wore when filming started at the age of 11.

Inside 'The Great Hall' with the costumes that Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint wore when filming started at the age of 11.

Inside 'The Great Hall'

Inside 'The Great Hall' with the main characters costumes from Slytherin House.

Inside 'The Great Hall' with 'Hagrid' and 'Professor Flitwick' costumes.

Inside 'The Great Hall' with 'Minerva McGonagall', 'Albus Dumbledore' and 'Severus Snape' costumes.

Inside 'The Great Hall'

Dumbledore's Owl Lecturn

Funny!  See who this quote belongs to?

Wigs, wigs and...

...more wigs!

The moving staircase at Hogwarts

Mad Eye Moody, Professor Trelawney, Professor Flitwick costumes

The Great Hall ceiling. This was the only one made and trick photography was used to make it look huge.

Under the ceiling of The Great Hall

The Leaky Caldron


Boys Dormitory. Hard to tell in the picture, but the beds are small for kids!

Boys Dormitory
Boys Dormitory

Griffyndor Common Room

Griffyndor Common Room

Slytherin Common Room

Dumbledore's Office

Dumbledore's Office with the 'sorting hat' up on the shelf behind.

Close up of the 'sorting hat'

Lots of instruments and scientific stuff in Dumbledore's office.

Potions Classroom with Professor Snape's costume.

Dumbledore's Office

Potions Classroom

Broomsticks and Quidditch

Broomsticks:  Firebolt (top), Nimbus 2000 (middle), Nimbus 2001 (bottom)

Hagrid's Hut


SFX - Making broomsticks fly!

SFX - Making a Ford Anglia fly, land in the 'Whomping Willow' tree and get attached by the tree.

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Lock to the entrance of The Chamber of Secrets

Tom Riddle's father's grave with the Ministry of Magic set behind.

Deatheaters at the Malfoy Manor

Deatheaters at the Malfoy Manor

Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Draco Malfoy costumes

The Ministry of Magic

The Ministry of Magic

The Forbidden Forest

Buckbeak the Hippogriff in the Forbidden Forest

Giant spiders in the Forbidden Forest

Giant spiders in the Forbidden Forest

Giant spiders in the Forbidden Forest

Picture with the flash on showing the huge trees used for the Forbidden Forest set.

Kings Cross St Pancras and the recreation of Platform 9 ¾

Kings Cross St Pancras and the recreation of Platform 9 ¾

Kings Cross St Pancras and the recreation of Platform 9 ¾ with The Hogwarts Express

Kings Cross St Pancras and the recreation of Platform 9 ¾ with The Hogwarts Express

Final costumes worn by Ginny, Harry, Hermione and Ron when they bring their children to Platform 9 ¾ at Kings Cross St Pancras

Platform 9 ¾ at Kings Cross St Pancras

The Hogwarts Express

Butterbeer at the Backlot Cafe

Butterbeer at the Backlot Cafe

Number 4 Privet Drive. This is an entire house. No going inside today due to Covid though.

Harry Potter's parents, Lily and James home after Voldermort attacked it.

The Knight Bus - take it away Ernie!

The Knight Bus

The Knight Bus

Inside The Knight Bus

Hogwarts Bridge

Hogwarts Bridge

Sirius Black's Motorbike

Sirius Black's Motorbike

The 'Flying Ford Angila'

The 'Mandrake' plants that scream

Creature Effects - Heads

Creature Effects - Heads

Creature Effects - Heads

Monster Book of Monsters

Hagrid's Robotic Head

Hagrid's Robotic Head

Grawp - Hagrid's giant brother

Voldermort's soul


Aragog and the Basilisk

Goblin Heads

Entrance to Gringotts Bank

Model of the outside of Gringotts Bank

Inside Gringotts Bank

Inside Gringotts Bank

Costumes worn by Harry, Ron and Hermione to sneak into Gringotts Bank

Harry's Gringotts vault with a 'small fortune' from his parents.

Cart at Gringotts used to get to the vaults

Lestrange family vault in Gringotts Bank

Diagon Alley with real stone paving

Olivanders in Diagon Alley

Designs and drawings

White card models are made before work begins on the actual set.

Scale model of Hogwarts which appeared in every movie. Trick photography made it appear the size it is in the movies.

These are the wands made for JK Rowling and the Harry Potter cast and crew.
